Separating and Compacting Dairy Products

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Separation and Compaction of Dairy Products

Dairies need to destroy returned goods like yogurt and other dairy products with expired dates or other faults. The RUNI screw compactor can help them achieve this seamlessly without much cost.

The machine handles both emptying, compacting, and destruction in a single continuous process, eliminating storage and handling challenges for the manufacturer. Placing the compactor close to the production unit increases the certainty of destroying discarded products and saves transportation costs.

Separating and Compacting Dairy Products with Screw Compactor Solution

During the separation process with a screw compactor, the waste stream is split into two parts. The liquid can either be diverted as wastewater, or it can be collected and afterward sold for other purposes like energy production or animal feeding. The plastic packaging (solid waste) from the dairy products becomes relatively dry after the screw compactor, and it can either go to incineration at a lower cost or it can be sold for further recycling.

The dairy products can be fed into the machine manually or using a conveyor belt. The liquid is pressed out through a suitable perforated matrix, and the solid part from the packaging is slowly pushed out of the screw compactor through the departure tray and can here be collected in containers.

RUNI SK370 for Dairy Products

The SK370 is well suited for separating and compacting dairy products. It has a capacity of 5,000 kg/hour, and achieves approx. 300kg/m3 when compacting plastic containers, and approx. 500 kg/m3 when compacting cartons/Tetra paks. 

The hole matrix is always made out of stainless steel (AISI316) which makes it able to resist low pH values that are found in many liquids and dairy products.

In the food industry, the machine must be isolated from the main production area. RUNI has different solutions for this adaption. Demands regarding cleaning of the machine may also be an issue - and RUNI has various solutions for this also.

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