Dewatering Reject From Plastic Washing Plants

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Dewater Rejects from Plastic Washing

Plastic recycling plants that wash their plastic before the real processing usually have large amounts of rejects from their washing plant. These rejects are mostly very wet materials consisting of paper, plastic, sand, textile, etc. Unfortunately, the rejects cannot be used, and therefore, the recycling industry often has high costs for their disposal.

The Solution with Screw Compactor

RUNI screw compactor is a simple and efficient way to press out the liquid from the rejects, making the disposal easier to handle and cheaper. It has the necessary sensors and automatic hydraulic jaws, making it possible to operate automatically with start and stop and regulating support depending on the material composition.

For many years, the RUNI screw compactor has proved to be a powerfully built and tough machine, with an extra reinforced screw and screw house that enables it to work 24/7.

RUNI has developed two sizes of screw compactor for this purpose:

SK240 with a capacity of 1500 kg per hour.

SK370 with a capacity of 5000 kg per hour.

When dewatering reject from plastic washing lines in a RUNI screw compactor, the reject ends with up to 75 % of dry matter.

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